Profiled Nose
We have good news for you and your nose. Currently, facial filling techniques are available for all areas of the face, and therefore a treatment similar to a rhinoplasty can also be performed using only fillings. This innovative technique was born from the need to lose the fear of using fillings in other areas of the face as well as lips or chin, cheekbones and jaw. Although of all the filler treatments this one is totally “off label”, meaning that its indication is still under study, the nasal filling is a treatment that is performed every day in the best aesthetic clinics in the world.
The nose is so important that it can be considered the center of the universe that is “our face”. Therefore, the improvement or change in the nose generates thousands of wishes
all the people of this world who long for a beautiful nose to enhance our face. A small and concise solution is a filling treatment, non-surgical and whose effects last only a few months, it may be the option we are all looking for.
When applying the facial filling in the nose we can improve several areas, such as the tip. In this case it is important to be cautious, since it is a very sensitive area and it has a very specific and complicated blood circulation, so a moderate elevation can always be made with caution.
Another important area is the back, a very safe area to apply where we seek to improve the appearance of the profile by matching the grooves with reliefs, to leave a completely straight look.
In the case of width, there is little that can be done only with fillings, but there are techniques to improve the aesthetic appearance and balance the entire face. Now you realize how complete this treatment can be?
Otra área importante es el dorso, una zona muy segura de aplicar en donde buscamos mejorar el aspecto del perfil igualando las hendiduras con relieves, para dejar un aspecto completamente derecho.
En el caso del ancho, es poco lo que se puede hacer solo con rellenos, pero existen técnicas para mejorar el aspecto estético y dar equilibro a todo el rostro. ¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo completo que puede ser este tratamiento?
The nose is so important that it can be considered the center of the universe that is “our face”. Therefore, the improvement or change in the nose generates thousands of wishes
all the people of this world who long for a beautiful nose to enhance our face. A small and concise solution is a filling treatment, non-surgical and whose effects last only a few months, it may be the option we are all looking for.
When applying the facial filling in the nose we can improve several areas, such as the tip. In this case it is important to be cautious, since it is a very sensitive area and it has a very specific and complicated blood circulation, so a moderate elevation can always be made with caution.
Another important area is the back, a very safe area to apply where we seek to improve the appearance of the profile by matching the grooves with reliefs, to leave a completely straight look.
In the case of width, there is little that can be done only with fillings, but there are techniques to improve the aesthetic appearance and balance the entire face. Now you realize how complete this treatment can be?
Otra área importante es el dorso, una zona muy segura de aplicar en donde buscamos mejorar el aspecto del perfil igualando las hendiduras con relieves, para dejar un aspecto completamente derecho.
En el caso del ancho, es poco lo que se puede hacer solo con rellenos, pero existen técnicas para mejorar el aspecto estético y dar equilibro a todo el rostro. ¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo completo que puede ser este tratamiento?

Belotero® is designed to integrate into your tissue and provide subtle and even results without disrupting the natural contours of your face. Studies show that the Belotero® products are well-tolerated and belong to the safest dermal fillers available.
The list below outlines concerns that could be suitable for the non-surgical nose reshaping:
-A slightly crooked nose
-A small nose that needs building up
-A hooked shaped nose that requires straightening
-A mild to moderate bridge or bump on the nose
-A nose requiring refinement following surgical rhinoplasty
-A nose that requires more height, definition or a nose tip